The " Angel " Protecting Our Website .... And Now We Have Two .....
Here is the " Angel " who came into my ordinary life and gave it the " Extra " it needed to become Extra Ordinary for nearly 40 years ...... we were indeed " Head Over Heels " in love ....
Now my wife was joined by our daughter on Feb 4th , she is protecting us from the heavens ..... see below .....

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DARE 2 DREAM FREE IN 2023.....
N… NUKE any negativity in your life - thoughts , words , actions ,people - NUKE them all .
E… ESTABLISH your own belief system - if you don’t , sooner or later ,some fool will come along and convince you to believe in theirs .
W…WONDER in awe what each day may bring - then go about creating how you want it to be .
Y… YOU are a true miracle of life - remember to celebrate your miracle daily .
E… EMBRACE lifes journey - don’t wait to arrive at a destination to be happy - true happiness is not a place , thing or person - true happiness is free and is yours wherever you are , whatever you have , whoever you’re with - the choice is always yours to make .
A…ALWAYS be grateful for what you have - AIM for what you do not - APPRECIATE and give thanks when it arrives .
R…REMEMBER the times you succeeded and what you learnt from the times you didn’t ( which is succeeding anyway ) - then go and succeed all over again .
OH and ….......
DARE - 2 - DREAM APLENTY in 2020